Topic modeling is a way to analyze massive documents by clustering them into some topics. In particular, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is one of the most popular topic modeling techniques; papers introduce the method are as follows:

Hivemall enables you to analyze your data such as, but not limited to, documents based on LDA. This page gives usage instructions of the feature.


This feature is supported from Hivemall v0.5-rc.1 or later.

Prepare document data

Assume that we already have a table docs which contains many documents as string format:

docid doc
1 "Fruits and vegetables are healthy."
2 "I like apples, oranges, and avocados. I do not like the flu or colds."
... ...

Hivemall has several functions which are particularly useful for text processing. More specifically, by using tokenize() and is_stopword(), you can immediately convert the documents to bag-of-words-like format:

with word_counts as (
    feature(word, count(word)) as word_count
    docs t1 
    LATERAL VIEW explode(tokenize(doc, true)) t2 as word
    not is_stopword(word)
  group by
    docid, word
select docid, collect_list(word_count) as features
from word_counts
group by docid
docid features
1 ["fruits:1","healthy:1","vegetables:1"]
2 ["apples:1","avocados:1","colds:1","flu:1","like:2","oranges:1"]


It should be noted that, as long as your data can be represented as the feature format, LDA can be applied for arbitrary data as a generic clustering technique.

Building Topic Models and Finding Topic Words

Each feature vector is input to the train_lda() function:

with word_counts as (
    feature(word, count(word)) as word_count
  from docs t1 LATERAL VIEW explode(tokenize(doc, true)) t2 as word
    not is_stopword(word)
  group by
    docid, word
input as (
  select docid, collect_list(word_count) as features
  from word_counts
  group by docid
  train_lda(features, '-topics 2 -iter 20') as (label, word, lambda)

Here, an option -topics 2 specifies the number of topics we assume in the set of documents.

Notice that order by docid ensures building a LDA model precisely in a single node. In case that you like to launch train_lda in parallel, following query hopefully returns similar (but might be slightly approximated) result:

with word_counts as (
  -- same as above
input as (
  select docid, collect_list(f) as features
  from word_counts
  group by docid
  label, word, avg(lambda) as lambda
from (
    train_lda(features, '-topics 2 -iter 20') as (label, word, lambda)
) t2
group by label, word
-- order by lambda desc -- ordering is optional

Eventually, a new table lda_model is generated as shown below:

label word lambda
0 fruits 0.33372128
0 vegetables 0.33272517
0 healthy 0.33246377
0 flu 2.3617347E-4
0 apples 2.1898883E-4
0 oranges 1.8161473E-4
0 like 1.7666373E-4
0 avocados 1.726186E-4
0 colds 1.037139E-4
1 colds 0.16622013
1 avocados 0.16618845
1 oranges 0.1661859
1 like 0.16618414
1 apples 0.16616651
1 flu 0.16615893
1 healthy 0.0012059759
1 vegetables 0.0010818697
1 fruits 6.080827E-4

In the table, label indicates a topic index, and lambda is a value which represents how each word is likely to characterize a topic. That is, we can say that, in terms of lambda, top-N words are the topic words of a topic.

Obviously, we can observe that topic 0 corresponds to document 1, and topic 1 represents words in document 2.

Predicting Topic Assignments of Documents

Once you have constructed topic models as described before, a function lda_predict() allows you to predict topic assignments of documents.

For example, if we consider the docs table, the exactly same set of documents as used for training, probability that a document is assigned to a topic can be computed by:

with test as (
    count(word) as value
    docs t1
    LATERAL VIEW explode(tokenize(doc, true)) t2 as word
    not is_stopword(word)
  group by
    docid, word
  lda_predict(t.word, t.value, m.label, m.lambda, '-topics 2') as probabilities
  test t
  JOIN lda_model m ON (t.word = m.word)
group by
docid probabilities (sorted by probabilities)
1 [{"label":0,"probability":0.875},{"label":1,"probability":0.125}]
2 [{"label":1,"probability":0.9375},{"label":0,"probability":0.0625}]

Importantly, an option -topics is expected to be the same value as you set for training.

Since the probabilities are sorted in descending order, a label of the most promising topic is easily obtained as:

select docid, probabilities[0].label
from topic;
docid label
1 0
2 1

Of course, using the different set of documents for prediction is possible. Predicting topic assignments of newly observed documents should be more realistic scenario.

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