Binary problems

Binary classification is a task to predict a label of each data given two categories.

Hivemall provides several tutorials to deal with binary classification problems as follows:

This page focuses on the evaluation of such binary classification problems. If your classifier outputs probability rather than 0/1 label, evaluation based on Area Under the ROC Curve would be more appropriate.


This page introduces toy example data and two metrics for explanation.


The following table shows examples of binary classification's prediction.

truth label predicted label description
1 0 False Negative
0 1 False Positive
0 0 True Negative
1 1 True Positive
0 1 False Positive
0 0 True Negative

In this case, 1 means positive label and 0 means negative label. The leftmost column shows truth labels, and center column includes predicted labels.

Preliminary metrics

Some evaluation metrics are calculated based on 4 values:

  • True Positive (TP): truth label is positive and predicted label is also positive
  • True Negative (TN): truth label is negative and predicted label is also negative
  • False Positive (FP): truth label is negative but predicted label is positive
  • False Negative (FN): truth label is positive but predicted label is negative

TR and TN represent correct classification, and FP and FN illustrate incorrect ones.

In this example, we can obtain those values:

  • TP: 1
  • TN: 2
  • FP: 2
  • FN: 1

if you want to know about those metrics, Wikipedia provides more detail information.


Recall indicates the true positive rate in truth positive labels. The value is computed by the following equation:

recall=#TP#TP+#FN \mathrm{recall} = \frac{\mathrm{\#TP}}{\mathrm{\#TP} + \mathrm{\#FN}}

In the previous example, precision=12\mathrm{precision} = \frac{1}{2}.


Precision indicates the true positive rate in positive predictive labels. The value is computed by the following equation:

precision=#TP#TP+#FP \mathrm{precision} = \frac{\mathrm{\#TP}}{\mathrm{\#TP} + \mathrm{\#FP}}

In the previous example, precision=13\mathrm{precision} = \frac{1}{3}.


To use metrics examples, please create the following table.

create table data as 
  select 1 as truth, 0 as predicted
union all
  select 0 as truth, 1 as predicted
union all
  select 0 as truth, 0 as predicted
union all
  select 1 as truth, 1 as predicted
union all
  select 0 as truth, 1 as predicted
union all
  select 0 as truth, 0 as predicted


F1-score is the harmonic mean of recall and precision. F1-score is computed by the following equation:

F1=2precisionrecallprecision+recall \mathrm{F}_1 = 2 \frac{\mathrm{precision} * \mathrm{recall}}{\mathrm{precision} + \mathrm{recall}}

Hivemall's fmeasure function provides the option which can switch micro(default) or binary by passing average argument.


Hivemall also provides f1score function, but it is old function to obtain F1-score. The value of f1score is based on set operation. So, we recommend to use fmeasure function to get F1-score based on this article.

You can learn more about this from the following external resource:

Micro average

If micro is passed to average, recall and precision are modified to consider True Negative. So, micro f1score are calculated by those modified recall and precision.

recall=#TP+#TN#TP+#FN+#TN \mathrm{recall} = \frac{\mathrm{\#TP} + \mathrm{\#TN}}{\mathrm{\#TP} + \mathrm{\#FN} + \mathrm{\#TN}}

precision=#TP+#TN#TP+#FP+#TN \mathrm{precision} = \frac{\mathrm{\#TP} + \mathrm{\#TN}}{\mathrm{\#TP} + \mathrm{\#FP} + \mathrm{\#TN}}

If average argument is omitted, fmeasure use default value: '-average micro'.

The following query shows the example to obtain F1-score. Each row value has the same type (int or boolean). If row value's type is int, 1 is considered as the positive label, and -1 or 0 is considered as the negative label.

select fmeasure(truth, predicted, '-average micro') from data;


It should be noted that, since the old f1score(truth, predicted) function simply counts the number of "matched" elements between truth and predicted, the above query is equivalent to:

select f1score(array(truth), array(predicted)) from data;

Binary average

If binary is passed to average, True Negative samples are ignored to get F1-score.

The following query shows the example to obtain F1-score with binary average.

select fmeasure(truth, predicted, '-average binary') from data;



F-measure is generalized F1-score and the weighted harmonic mean of recall and precision. F-measure is computed by the following equation:

Fβ=(1+β2)precisionrecallβ2precision+recall \mathrm{F}_{\beta} = (1+\beta^2) \frac{\mathrm{precision} * \mathrm{recall}}{\beta^2 \mathrm{precision} + \mathrm{recall}}

β\beta is the parameter to determine the weight of precision. So, F1-score is the special case of F-measure given β=1\beta=1.

If β\beta is larger positive value than 1.0, F-measure reaches recall. On the other hand, if β\beta is smaller positive value than 1.0, F-measure reaches precision.

If β\beta is omitted, hivemall calculates F-measure with β=1\beta=1 (: equivalent to F1-score).

Hivemall's fmeasure function also provides the option which can switch micro(default) or binary by passing average argument.

The following query shows the example to obtain F-measure with β=2\beta=2 and micro average.

select fmeasure(truth, predicted, '-beta 2. -average micro') from data;


The following query shows the example to obtain F-measure with β=2\beta=2 and binary average.

select fmeasure(truth, predicted, '-beta 2. -average binary') from data;


You can learn more about this from the following external resource:

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